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* Because Va:tsalya is such a prominent, unmatched, oceanic quality in Him.But what if He asks if we have any qualification?
* He doesn't because He knows everything about everyone in truth, He knows we don't have any qualification, that we're incapable. What if He checks if we are at least free from pratiku:la pravrutti even if we don't have anuku:la pravrutti?
* He doesn't because, Ramanujacharya reminds, He is the controller of every action - good or bad.
* What then, if He replies, I will then protect you whenever I want?
* He won't, because, it is His responsibility to take care of us, who are His objects.
* Just like achetanas can't do their job, I can't either. ( Ex: Bharata - ra:jyam)
* Ramanujacharya reminds of special relationship and love that He exists for him.
* He is always full. There is nothing we can give Him. He is not dependent on us for anything.
* He can deliver us, because just by His will, He can do things impossible for anyone else to do.
* He is distinct from everyone in that, everything that belongs to Him is for His devotees.
* A desire tree fulfills desires only if you go to it and ask, but He comes to us so that we can ask.
* He protects us from dangers. So we should ideally pray - may dangers come to me all the time so that I can remember You. But what if our consciousness is not so elevated?
* He still protects us because compassion personified, Lakshmi is with Him. Even if she doesn't respond, He protects because of garbha-sambandham (Na:ra:yana).
Oh such Narayana, I have no other refuge, I surrender to You. please protect me.
* I give up dependence on all chetanas and achetanas as means of deliverance and objects of enjoyment.
* I give up all other means of reaching You, and even fortunes that are permanent.
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