Sharanagati Gadyam Pravachanam 11

Day 11  Sharanagathi Gadyam Pravachanam important points:

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This pravachanam is the explanation of 10th & 11th churnikas.

Churnika 10:

Manovakkayai: anadhikala pravruththa anantha akruthya
karana kruthyakarana bhagavadhapachara bhagavathapachara 
asahyapachara rupa nanavidhananthapacharan Arabdha
karyan anarabdhakaryan kruthan kriyamanan
karishyamanamscha sarvan aseshatha: kshamasva II

In 10th churnika, Sri Ramanuja describes about Bhagavadhapachara, Bhaagavathapachara &  Asahyapacharas.

Mind, speech & body. One of these three is required for carrying out any activity (karma). These are used for either reaching Bhagavan or for losing Bhagavan. Meanwhile, mind is one’s friend as well as an enemy.

1)Bhagavadhapacharam: (offenses towards Bhagavan)

If a person takes the produce from the temple’s land or Bhagavan‘s jewels for his own use or if he gives these to someone else, it is called as Bhagavadhapacharam.

An example of a person who committed Bhagavadhapacharam is sisupala who kept talking ill of Lord krishna.

2)Bhaagavathapacharam: (offenses towards bhagavan devotees)

Arguing with sri vaishnavas (followers of sriman narayana)

Thinking lowly of the birth and practices of other sri vaishnavas. 

Talking low or making fun of people who are handicapped either physically or mentally. 

These are called called as Bhagavadhapacharam.

An example of a person who committed Bhaagavathapacharam is ravana who committed offence on sitadevi.


Offenses against acharya or it may mean offenses Committed against bhagavatas.

Feeling jealousy when bhagavan‘s or bhagavatha’s good qualities are highlighted or hating a person because he is a sri vaishnava. 

These are called called as Asahyapacharam.

An example of such a person is Hiranyakashyapa who could not bear his son prahladha reciting sriman narayana’s names and asked his guards to put his own son in fire.


Anadhikala pravruththam viparithagyanam Athma vishayam
kruthsna jagath vishyancha viparitha vruththancha asesha vishayam
adhyapi varththamanam varththishyamanam cha sarvam kshamasva II

Sri Ramanuja had requested Bhagavan to forgive him of his misdeeds and to destroy the deeds.

If there is any wrong activity performed then We all are reacting to someone else’s action instead of taking it as one’s  own karma palam (result of previous deeds). Please forgive me for all these apacharams. 

If another person does harm to us, that action is result of bhagavan executing an action through that person on account of our karma palam. Instead of thinking this way, if we harm the other person in return, then it is viparitha vruththam.(Wrong Activity)

Thus if one has true knowledge, if another person harms a person, the harmed person should not get angry.

Having desire in materialistic needs such as gold, land etc, which are related to vishayantharam (matter other than bhagavan). 

Sri ramanuja says that since he is an ignorant person he doesn’t know what are all the mistakes that he has committed. He implores bhagavan that he would know all his mistakes and should pardon him.
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